There has been a change of preference of fluids from normal saline to lactated ringers.
There has been a change of preference of fluids from normal saline to lactated ringers. Let's make sure you know why.First, the contents of NS and LR are listed here. NS has 154 mEq/L of Na and Cl, while LR has 130 mEq/L and 104 mEq/L. Additionally, LR contains potassium and lactate, we'll talk about that next time.LR more resembles human plasma than NS, and the concern with NS is non-anion gap hyperchloremic-induced metabolic acidosis, .The SMART-TRIAL was a large scale study that compared NS to LR in critically ill patients. LR is associated with lower rates of a composite outcome of deaths or new renal-replacement therapy.Additional trials support acidosis contributes to acute kidney injury, but remember, hyperchloremia itself can as well.NS is preferred for neuro patients given its role with intracranial pressures. keep an eye on that chloride and serum creatine, patients on prolonged chloride containing fluids are at highest risk of AKI. For more PHARMFAX in the drug bank, take the poll on my website, link in the bio. ALL PHARMWYZE SOURCE References located on website. Follow me @pharmwyze Twitter | Facebook | TikTok | YouTube | Instagram #medicine #medicalschool #pharmacy #pharmacyschool #studentpharmacist #nursing #nursingschool #medicalstudent #pa #physicianassistant #pharmwyze #pharmfax #pharmfaxinthedrugbank Not medical advice. Educational purposes only. No relationships to report. I hope you learned something new today.